貓咪生肉餵食問與答: 飲食轉換

Feeding Raw to Cats FAQ: Making the Switch

Cat Nutrition 寫於 201211101:20 ·

原文在此(Original article here)

The ownership and copyright of this article belongs to the original writer and this is just a translated version, only for sharing.



有很多的因素會影響貓咪接受新的飲食的速度與意願. 如果你還是讓貓咪吃乾乾吃到飽, 那你沒有讓飢餓感來幫忙. 餵乾糧對貓咪並沒有幫助.

There are so many different factors involved in how quickly and enthusiastically a cat will accept a new diet. If you're still leaving dry food out all and allowing her to "free-feed" off that, then you're not letting hunger work in your favor. You're not doing your cat any favors by feeding dry food. 

通常最好是先從換食成罐頭開始, 然後偷偷的放非常少量的生食到食物裡面, 隨時間慢慢增加比例, 直到轉換完成. 把乾糧趕出家門! 你的貓咪可能會聞到味道, 然後固執的堅持不吃, 因為他知道乾糧就在不遠處.

Sometimes it's best to switch your cat first to a quality canned food, and then start sneaking very small amounts of the raw food into that food and slowly increasing the amount over time until the transition is complete. Get the dry food OUT of your house. Your cat can probably smell it and will hold out stubbornly if she knows it's there. 

乾乾成癮大王通常很難接受新的食物, 所以你需要一些狠心, 然後用所有的耐心的跟貓咪耗時間直到他吃較健康的食物.

Devoted kibble addicts often have a difficult time accepting the new food, so you have to employ some tough love, and gather your own patience while honing your feline manipulation skills to get your cat eating healthier food.

不要太心急. 我有聽過很多不好的故事, 人們在貓咪不接受新食物後就馬上放棄. 記得是要讓轉換產生. 並不是讓他一夜發生. 穩定的向正確方向進行, 偷放小量的新食物在罐頭裡. 不要著急. 我的貓咪就花了三周的時間做轉換. 家裡有更多貓或是年紀較大的貓咪會需要兩個月或是更久的時間把飲食轉為全生食. 慢慢來, 不要急.

Don't be in a mad rush to get your cat switched over. I hear an awful lot of stories of people who give up when their cats don't instantly take to the new food. Remember -- the idea is to make the transition. Not to make it overnight. Proceed steadily in the right direction, slipping small amounts of the new food in with canned. Don't rush things. I transitioned my cats over a period of three weeks. Other people with more cats or older animals took two months or even longer to fully get their crew on all raw. Take the time you need and don't hurry.



Should I switch my cat to this food "cold turkey”? 

這是一個沒辦法以幾句話回答的問題. 事實上, 轉食的速度應該依貓咪的年紀, 脾氣, 健康和他過往以來都吃什麼食物有關. 如果貓咪以前只吃過乾糧, 我強烈建議你戒掉乾乾, 且慢慢開始讓他吃優質的罐頭. 下一步則是隨時間偷放小量的生食進去.

That's a tough one to deal with in a few sentences that give a one-size-fits-all answer. Frankly, the speed at which you should switch your cat will depend a great deal on your cat's age, temperament, health, and the diet she has been eating up to this point. If your cat has only eaten dry food previously, I strongly urge you to ease her off the dry food and get her eating regular meals of a quality canned food slowly first. The next step is to sneak in small amounts of the raw food mix in over time.

 這並沒有簡單的答案, 但是有一個通則是, 我建議除非你的貓咪非常年輕或是是幼貓, 最好慢慢的進行. 用至少一個禮拜到10天的時間來完成成貓的轉食. 而且這是要在貓咪已經完全戒掉乾糧的情況下. 生食跟市售食品非常不同, 最好讓成貓的消化系統有一點時間來慢慢適應新的食物. 而幼貓呢? 他們很能接受生食, 而且幫他們做轉換通常很快也比較不痛苦.

There really is no easy answer here, but as a general rule of thumb, I suggest to people that unless they have a very young cat or kitten, it's best to go slowly. Take at least a week to ten days to fully transition an adult cat, and that's presuming the cat is at least already off of all dry food. Raw food is very different from commercial food in many ways, and it's best to give your adult cat's digestive system a bit of time to slowly adapt to the new food. Kittens? They're magnificent at devouring raw food in remarkable quantities and switching them over is usually fast and relatively painless.

我有聽過有些人是迅速的幫成貓做轉換, 而他們的貓咪適應得很好, 他們表現的像是~終於有真正的食物可以吃了”, 而且除了健康狀態改善, “奇蹟般改善的便便, 及產生對新食物的滿足感之外沒有其它的變化. 但我也有看過有些貓咪一開始津津有味的接受新食物, 然後就開始嘔吐或是連續一兩天產生消化問題. 在這些例子中, 很明顯的轉食速度太快速.

I have certainly known people who switched their adult cats "cold turkey" and their cats did just beautifully, seemed oh-so-grateful to finally have real food to eat, and showed no sign of anything different other than overall better well-being, "miraculously" improved stools, and satisfaction with their new food. But I have also seen instances of people whose cats took to the new food with gusto initially and then either vomited the food or had a day or two of digestive problems. In these cases, it's clear the transition was made much too quickly.

不要驚嚇貓咪的身體運作系統. 慢慢的以適當的速度轉換成健康的飲食.

Don't shock your cat's system. Ease her at an appropriate speed on to a healthier diet.

試著以貓咪的觀點來看. 如果他已經吃肉味穀片好幾年, 他可能沒有辦法馬上接受觸感和味道完全不同的食物. 要有耐心且操弄他們. 思考過且試著以貓咪的觀點來看這整個情況. 如果你的成貓已經吃肉味穀片(乾糧)好幾年, 突然希望他開始喜歡並容易的消化一個以動物性蛋白為主的營養食物與以植物性蛋白和碳水化合物組成的食物完全不同這是不現實的. 而這可能會對貓咪的身體系統造成損害. 記得, 你不想要對貓咪的身體系統有任何的傷害.

Try to see the situation from your cat's perspective. If she's been eating meat-flavored cereal for years she may not instantly take to a diet with a totally different texture and flavor at first. Be patient and manipulative." Think it through and try to "see" the situation from your cat's perspective. If you have a fully grown cat that has been eating nothing but meat-flavored cereal (dry food) for several years, suddenly expecting her to be able to enjoy and easily digest a much richer food based on animal proteins--as opposed to all those plant-based proteins and carbohydrates--is unrealistic. And it can be a shock to the cat's system. Remember, you don't want to shock your cat's system. 

轉食時多用常識. 不要以為在一兩餐內就可以讓他馬上接受新的食物. 或是說, 不要太快的就放棄. 最常發生的錯誤就是人們花了時間去做轉食, 但是最後還是說貓咪不碰新的食物, 然後他們開始驚慌, 就把碗裝滿乾糧. 然後, 理所當然的貓咪吃飽了就不會吃下一餐的生食.

Use common sense when switching your cat over to a new food. Don't expect her to transition to an entirely new way of eating in one or two meals. That said, don't give up too soon either. The single biggest mistake I see people make time and again is to say that their cat "won't touch" the new food and then panic and fill up the bowl with dry food. Then, shock of shocks, kitty won't be hungry when the next raw meal is offered.

以緩慢的速度以安全的轉換飲食. 我不相信把貓咪餓到不得不吃是好的. 對於一個長期吃高碳水化合物飲食的貓咪來說, 很容易會因為太長時間不進食而產生脂肪肝的危險. 這是為什麼我建議先換成罐頭, 然後慢慢偷加生食進去. 我說過很多次了: 把乾糧趕出家門!

Strike a healthy balance that treats your cat's system gently enough to safely transition her over to better food. I don't believe in starving cats into submission when it comes to eating. For a cat that's been on a high-carbohydrate diet, the risk of a cat getting hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) from going for too long without any food is just too high for my tastes. That's why I recommend switching first to canned and then slipping the raw food into that. If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times: You have got to get the dry kibble out of your house.

結合下面的任何一種最適合你和貓咪的方式: 適當的飢餓感, 操弄與技巧, 及很多的耐心.

Use whatever combination of the following works and makes the most sense for you and your cat: a reasonable amount of hunger, manipulation and trickery, and plenty of patience.

不要趕時間. 但是指引我到正確的方向!Don't rush me. But get me there!

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