

If Your Cat is Fat, a High-Moisture Diet Could Be the Key to Weight Loss


High-Moisture Cat Food


January 23, 2013  By Dr. Becker

原文在此(Original article here)

The ownership and copyright of this article belongs to the original writer and this is just a translated version, only for sharing.




In a bit of good news, it seems a growing number of traditional veterinarians are recommending what they call the “Catkins” diet for kitties who need to lose weight. “Catkins” is an amusing reference to the Atkins diet for humans, which many of you will remember as one of the first low-carbohydrate mass-marketed diets.

在一個寵物食品工業期刊中有提到Dr. Lisa Pierson及她很棒的網站

Equally encouraging is the fact that an article in a pet food industry journal actually mentions Dr. Lisa Pierson and her excellent informational website on feline nutrition called



"柳絮式飲食可能可以幫助肥胖的貓咪,不只是減重也可以解決許多因水分攝取不足而導致的疾病. Pierson提到在野外的貓咪,最標準的獵物含有70%至75%的水份,與許多貓濕食箱同;但是,乾糧通常只含有10%的水份"

“The Catkins diet may help obese cats not only lose weight, but also may aid with a variety of health problems that cats may develop from not having enough moisture in the diet. Pierson says that in the wild, a cat's typical prey contains 70 percent to 75 percent water, which is similar to the moisture content of many wet cat foods; however, she says dry cat foods typically contain only 10 percent moisture.”

希望主流的獸醫團體很快就會不只是推薦高水分飲食給過重貓,病貓,還有全貓齡的健康貓. 對物種適合的營養就是對抗疾病的最好預防方式. 此能幫助寵物保持在適當的體重(只要飼主不過量餵食),正確的食物也顯著的降低貓咪疾病產生的機率, 尤其是下泌尿道疾病,腎臟病以及肝臟相關疾病.

Hopefully soon the mainstream veterinary community will not only be recommending moisture-rich diets for overweight cats and those who are sick, but for healthy cats of all ages. Species-appropriate nutrition is the best preventive medicine available. It helps keep pets at a good weight (as long as their owners don’t overfeed them), and the right food also dramatically reduces the risk of feline diseases, especially those involving the lower urinary tract, kidneys and liver.


Not All Canned Cat Food is Equally Nutritious

那篇PetfoodIndustry.com的文章也提到一位在Rochester的獸醫Dr. Travis Einertson, 他也推薦"柳絮式飲食". Einertson相信飼主不餵罐頭的其中一個關鍵因素就是因為罐頭的開銷比乾糧大.

The article also mentions a veterinarian in Rochester, MN, Dr. Travis Einertson, who recommends the Catkins diet. Einertson believes one reason pet owners don’t feed more canned cat food is because it costs more than kibble.

一個和Dr.Einertson訪問的報導中提到, 醫生說開銷不應該是個問題: " 因為貓咪從便宜的罐頭,像是偉嘉,也可以獲得許多的營養" 他建議飼主原料及副產品並不需要被過度關注,只要那個食物是被AAFCO認可的.

In an interview with The Post-Bulletin in Rochester, Dr. Einertson says cost needn’t be a problem “… because cats can get plenty of nutrition from the lower-cost canned foods, such as Friskies.” He recommends pet owners not concern themselves with ingredients, including by-products, as long as the label says the food is approved by AAFCO.


In my 13 best-to-worst pet food ranking, I put grocery store brand canned pet food (which is the most appropriate category for a food like Friskies) down at number 10. I don’t agree with Einertson that any old brand of cat food, as long as it’s canned and therefore wet, is optimal nutrition for your kitty. 

食物裡面的動物性蛋白質品質越好,他的生物價值(有效營養),消化吸收力都比較高. 在便宜的寵物食品中常用的劣質蛋白質,像是副產品(例如羽毛)的生物價值非常低或是幾乎是零.所以雖然罐頭內的水份好處多多, 如果使用的是劣質蛋白質,貓咪的消化與解毒器官會處於一種慢性的壓力,因為他們必須要處理這些本不該是貓咪天性所吃的食物.

The better the quality of animal protein in the food, the higher its biological value(nutritional effectiveness), digestibility and absorbability. Poor quality protein like that often found in rendered by-products used in inexpensive pet food can have little to no biological value (for example, feathers). So while the moisture content of canned food is tremendously beneficial, if the protein is poor quality, your cat’s organs of digestion and detoxification will be chronically stressed by processing food that is far removed from the natural diet of a feline.

新鮮,沒有經過加工的雞肉與內臟,冷凍至少24小時殺寄生蟲, 生食或熟食對健康貓咪的身體來說是非常容易消化吸收及利用的. 食物中含的越不是理想的蛋白質,對貓咪的營養越沒有幫助.

Fresh, unprocessed muscle and organ meats, frozen at least 24 hours to kill pathogens, served raw (or cooked, if that’s your preference) is the type of animal protein a healthy pet’s body can most easily digest, absorb, and make use of. The farther away from that ideal the protein in food gets, the less optimal it is as a source of nutrition for your pet.


Another problem with inexpensive canned pet foods is they often contain a long list of additives, preservatives, and fillers to make up for the lack of nutritious ingredients and to meet AAFCO’s complete-and-balanced standards.


Affordability of Excellent Quality Cat Food


If your budget can’t accommodate human grade or even premium canned cat food on a regular basis, you can consider making some or all of your cat’s food at home. This gives you complete control over the quality of food your pet is eating and the money you spend to prepare her diet. You can also consider mixing things up with a few cans of high quality commercial cat food per week and the rest homemade in your kitchen.


The one thing you MUST do if you decide to prepare your cat’s meals yourself is make sure they are nutritionally balanced. In my pet food-ranking list, you’ll notice that dead last is an unbalanced homemade diet.


So whether you use recipes from my book, Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats, or another source, please make sure your pet’s diet is not only species-appropriate, but also nutritionally balanced.


Dry Food is NOT Better for Your Pet’s Teeth

Dr. Einertson也說有些主人不餵濕食是因為他們相信乾飼料對於貓咪的牙齒健康有益.但是, 我也同意他說的,研究已經證實這是個迷思.

Dr. Einertson also feels another reason some pet owners don’t feed wet food is because they believe dry food is better for a cat's teeth. But, he says – and I agree -- research has shown this to be a myth.


Just as crunchy human food does nothing to improve the condition of our teeth and gums, neither does kibble benefit your pet’s teeth.


Kitties need their teeth brushed daily or several times a week. And the best time to introduce them to the routine is when they are kittens. For information on how to get started, you can view my video and read the accompanying article titled One of the Most Important Things You Can Do to Keep Your Cat Healthy.


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