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Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition

作者:Lisa A. Pierson, DVM



Cats Need Plenty of Water With Their Food



This is a very important section because it emphasizes why even the low-carb, grain-free dry foods are not optimal food sources for your cat.



Please see the Feline Urinary Tract Health page at to see how sweet Opie suffered tremendously and came close to losing his life after becoming blocked and almost rupturing his bladder.



Keep in mind that the cheapest canned food is better than any dry food on the market.


是最重要的營養,因為它有助於每種生物整體的健康. 除了這個之外,事實上貓咪相較於其他的生物,不容易口渴.然後你會了解為什麼含水量高的食物對他們非常的重要.貓咪不容易口渴也會造成他長期吃乾乾會慢性脫水.

Water is an extremely important nutrient that contributes to overall health in every living creature. Couple this with the fact that cats do not have a very strong thirst drive when compared to other species and you will understand why it is critical for them to ingest a water-rich diet. The cat's lack of a strong thirst drive leads to

low-level, chronic dehydration when dry food makes up the bulk of their diet.


貓咪天生喜歡從他們的食物裡攝取水分,因為他們的獵物裡含有約70~75%的水.乾乾只含有7~10%的水分,罐罐則有約78%的水. 所以罐罐比較接近他們自然的飲食,比較符合貓咪對水的需求.

Cats are designed to obtain most of their water with their diet since their normal prey contains approximately 70 - 75 percent water. Dry foods only contain 7-10 percent water whereas canned foods contain approximately 78 percent water. Canned foods therefore more closely approximate the natural diet of the cat and are better suited to meet the cat’s water needs.



I hear the reader saying “….but I see my cat drinking water frequently so he must be getting enough!”



A cat consuming a predominantly dry-food diet does drink more water than a cat consuming a canned food diet, but in the end, when water from all sources is added together (what’s in their diet plus what they drink), the cat on dry food consumes approximately half the amount of water compared with a cat eating canned foods. This is a crucial point when one considers how common kidney and bladder problems are in the cat.


請記住,當你的貓咪吃比較多的罐罐時,他的尿量會比較多(通常是兩倍),這對於膀胱的健康非常好. 把罐罐想成沖洗貓咪膀胱的好物.也因為增加尿量的這個結果,貓奴們必須更常清理貓砂或是多放幾個貓砂盆在家裡.

Please keep in mind that when your cat starts eating a more appropriately hydrated diet of canned food, his urine output will increase significantly – often doubling – which is a very good thing for bladder health. Think of canned food as ‘hosing out’ your cat’s bladder several times/day. Given this increase in urine output, litter boxes need to be scooped more frequently or more boxes need to be added to the home.


請看貓咪對於貓砂盆的看法了解為什麼我強烈認為凝結貓砂是唯一衛生的選擇. 非凝結砂讓你沒辦法移除所有的尿尿,所以比較不乾淨.

Please see The Litter Box From Your Cat’s Point of View webpage at for reasons why I strongly feel that clumping litter is the only sanitary choice of litter to use for cats. Non-clumping litters do not allow you to remove all of the urine and are not sanitary litters.


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